Tuesday, December 18, 2012

缇庡浗浼楃 American Gods_353

ween boredom and apathy: a gray acceptance, a waiting.
He hung.
The wind was still.
After several hours fleeting bursts of color started to explode across his vision in blossoms of crimson and gold,nike high heels, throbbing and pulsing with a life of their own.
The pain in his arms and legs became, by degrees, intolerable. If he relaxed them, let his body go slack and dangle, if he flopped forward, then the rope around his neck would take up the slack and the world would shimmer and swim. So he pushed himself back against the trunk of the tree. He could feel his heart laboring in his chest, a pounding arrhythmic tattoo as it pumped the blood through his body...
Emeralds and sapphires and rubies crystallized and burst in front of his eyes. His breath came in shallow gulps,cheap foamposites. The bark of the tree was rough against his back. The chill of the afternoon on his naked skin made him shiver, made his flesh prickle and goose.
It's easy,Homepage, said someone in the back of his head. There's a trick to it. You do it or you die.
He was pleased with the thought,Link, and repeated it over and over in the back of his head, part mantra, part nursery rhyme, rattling along to the drumbeat of his heart.
It's easy, there's a trick to it, you do it or you die.
It's easy, there's a trick to it, you do it or you die.
It's easy, there's a trick to it, you do it or you die.
It's easy, there's a trick to it, you do it or you die.
Time passed. The chanting continued. He could hear it. Someone was repeating the words, only stopping when Shadow's mouth began to dry out, when his tongue turned dry and skinlike in his mouth. He pushed himself up and away from the tree with his feet, trying to support his weight in a way that would still allow him to fill his lungs.
He breathed until he could hold himself up no more, and then he fell back into the bonds, and hung from the tree.
When the chattering started-an angry, laughing chattering noise-he closed his mouth, concerned that it was he himself making it; but the noise continued. It's the world laughing at me, t

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