Saturday, December 8, 2012

  Back then when our family was destroyed

  Back then when our family was destroyed, in 1937,Moncler Sale, Wilfred and Hilda were old enough so that thestate let them stay on their own in the big four-room house that my father had built. Philbert wasplaced with another family in Lansing, a Mrs. Hackett, while Reginald and Wesley went to live with afamily called Williams,Jeremy Scott Adidas Wings, who were friends of my mother's,Shipping Information. And Yvonne and Robert went to live with aWest Indian family named McGuire.
  Separated though we were, all of us maintained fairly close touch around Lansing-in school and out-whenever we could get together. Despite the artificially created separation and distance between us,we still remained very close in our feelings toward each other.
Chapter 2 Mascot
On June twenty-seventh of that year, nineteen thirty-seven, Joe Louis knocked out James J. Braddockto become the heavyweight champion of the world. And all the Negroes in Lansing, like Negroeseverywhere, went wildly happy with the greatest celebration of race pride our generation had everknown. Every Negro boy old enough to walk wanted to be the next Brown Bomber. My brotherPhilbert, who had already become a pretty good boxer in school, was no exception. (I was trying toplay basketball. I was gangling and tall, but I wasn't very good at it-too awkward.) In the fall of thatyear, Philbert entered the amateur bouts that were held in Lansing's Prudden Auditorium.
  He did well, surviving the increasingly tough eliminations. I would go down to the gym and watchhim train. It was very exciting. Perhaps without realizing it I became secretly envious; for one thing, Iknow I could not help seeing some of my younger brother Reginald's lifelong admiration for megetting siphoned off to Philbert.
   People praised Philbert as a natural boxer. I figured that since we belonged to the same family, maybeI would become one, too. So I put myself in the ring. I think I was thirteen when I signed up for myfirst bout, but my height and rawboned frame let me get away with claiming that I was sixteen, theminimum age-and my weight of about 128 pounds got me classified as a bantamweight.
  They matched me with a white boy, a novice like myself, named Bill Peterson. I'll never forget him.
  When our turn in the next amateur bouts came up, all of my brothers and sisters were 24 therewatching, along with just about everyone else I knew in town. They were there not so much because ofme but because of Philbert, who had begun to build up a pretty good following, and they wanted tosee how his brother would do.
  I walked down the aisle between the people thronging the rows of seats,adidas shoes for girls, and climbed in the ring. BillPeterson and I were introduced, and then the referee called us together and mumbled all of that stuffabout fighting fair and breaking clean. Then the bell rang and we came out of our corners. I knew Iwas scared, but I didn't know, as Bill Peterson told me later on, that he was scared of me, too. He wasso scared I was going to hurt him that he knocked me down fifty times if he did once.
  He did such a job on my reputation in the Negro neighborhood that I practically went into hiding. ANegro just can't be whipped by somebody white and return with his head up to the neighborhood,especially in those days, when sports and, to a lesser extent show business, were the only fields opento Negroes, and when the ring was the only place a Negro could whip a white man and not belynched. When I did show my face again, the Negroes I knew rode me so badly I knew I had to dosomething.

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